Hey, who is not familiar with the habits of this one. Yep, staying up late is a habit that is usually done when the employee overtime, student deadline, and students who have to take a stack of school textbooks., And others. Well, do remember as a child our parents forbade us to stay up. Apparently, no one know the reason behind this ban. Okay see ya to sleep less than five or six hours ...
Currently there have been studies that suggest that there is a danger of lack of sleep. The study found in the journal The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Sleep, conducted by researchers from the University of Colorado. They record the time sleeping, your metabolism, eating habits also some guys and girls. They want to make sure that if the lack of sleep during the week, can affect weight, behavior, and physiology of a person. Well, the results also found that staying up late and just slept for five hours, a subject that will sleep less eat more than those who sleep nine hours of ya guys. When the first week of the study, body weight which lack of sleep an average of rose 1 kilogram. Then the second week, those who slept nine hours, five hours of sleep is also required, in order to gain weight.
Staying up was apparently not just for us to eat a lot, but also the type of food we eat changes. This was stated by Kenneth Wrigh, director of the sleep and chronobiology labs at the university. Those who do not get enough sleep will be eating a lot of carbs, breakfast is also a little more, but after dinner they eat more. But do not worry guys! We can really fix it. By fixing the time sleeping, we can eat foods containing carbohydrates and less protein. So stay up can change our body's internal clock.
So, what are you waiting? Just sleep. Hahah: P
Saat ini telah ada studi yang menyatakan bahwa ada salah satu bahaya dari kurang tidur. Studi ini terdapat di jurnal The Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences Sleep, dilakukan oleh peneliti dari University of Colorado. Mereka mendata waktu tidur, metabolisme tubuh, juga kebiasaan makan beberapa cowok dan cewek. Mereka ingin memastikan bahwa jika selama seminggu kurang tidur, bisa mempengaruhi bobot, perilaku, dan fisiologi seseorang. Nah, hasilnya pun didapati bahwa begadang dan cuma tidur selama lima jam, subjek yang kurang tidur akan makan lebih banyak daripada mereka yang tidurnya selama sembilan jam nih guys. Saat minggu pertama penelitian aja nih, berat badan yang kurang tidur rata-rata naik 1 kilogram. Terus minggu keduanya, mereka yang tidur sembilan jam, disuruh tidur lima jam juga, biar berat badannya naik.
Begadang pun ternyata gak cuma buat kita banyak makan, tapi juga jenis makanan yang kita makan berubah. Hal ini dinyatakan oleh Kenneth Wrigh, direktur laboratorium tidur dan kronobiologi di universitas tersebut. Mereka yang gak cukup tidur akan makan banyak karbohidrat, sarapannya juga lebih sedikit, tapi sehabis makan malamnya mereka makan lebih banyak. Tapi jangan khawatir guys! Kita bisa kok memperbaikinya. Dengan memperbaiki waktu tidur, kita bisa memakan makanan yang mengandung karbohidrat dan protein lebih sedikit. Makanya begadang tuh bisa mengubah jam internal tubuh kita.
So, tunggu apa lagi? Tidur gih. Hahah :P
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