
Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sturdy Knee - Injury Free Lutut Kokoh - Bebas Cedera

You often feel worried if your body was injured as with enthusiasm? Look at your knee. According to researchers from Ohio State University, USA., Her big knees had a lower risk of injury. Because ACL (Anterior Cruciate ligament), which protects the joints from the foot injury, proved smaller in women who frequently injured than those who have a healthy knee size. "ACL, keeping the knee does not move off the track as if the body," jelasAjit Chaudari Ph.D, one of the researchers. For a small knees, you still can build a solid before the affected knee injury. "Lateral lunges using resistance bands and walking lunges to strengthen the most good for the knee and thigh muscle was not easy to let the injury," said Palmieri Riann Smith, Ph.D., professor of kinesiology at the same time track coach at the University of Michigan, Ann Habor, USA.

Anda sering merasa khawatir cedera saat sedang olah tubuh dengan penuh semangat? Coba perhatikan lutut anda. Menurut para peneliti dari Ohio State University, AS., wanita berlutut besar memiliki resiko lebih rendah mengalami cedera. Sebab ACL (Anterior Cruciate Ligament), sendi yang melindungi kaki dari cedera, terbukti berukuran lebih kecil pada wanita yang sering cedera ketimbang mereka yang memiliki ukuran lutut sehat. "ACL, menjaga lutut tidak bergerak keluar jalur saat olah tubuh," jelasAjit Chaudari Ph.D, salah seorang peneliti. Bagi yang berlutut kecil, anda tetap bisa membangun lutut yang kokoh sebelum terkena cedera. "Lateral lunges dengan menggunakan resistance band dan walking lunges paling baik buat menguatkan otot lutut dan paha biar tak mudah cedera," ujar Riann Palmieri Smith Ph.D, pelatih atletik sekaligus profesor kinesiology dari University of Michigan, Ann Habor, AS.

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